Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Marxist gingerbread man

The end of the week and weekend so far has not been a very productive studying week for me. I started out with great hopes that I would slay the academic dragon this weekend, as well as make progress on my christmas quilt, but unfortunately that has not materialized.

I bought some great fabric on Thursday. I can't wait to use it and see the different blocks I have planned take shape in my quilt.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending time with my sister, step-mom, step-sister and my amazing nephews! They are only 2 months apart, so it was a baby afternoon. It was a great change of pace and a nice reminder that there is more to life than school.

On my way home, I knew that I would have to work all night to catch up on school work, but after dinner when It came time to sit down and read yet another article that uses marxist theory, I decided to push it off until today and let Future Viv handle it. So I sat down at my machine and started piecing together my first gingerbread man.

He turned out great but he is a lot smaller than what i had planned, so I will have to adjust my design for the finished quilt, using some filler squares. More on that when I have time to sketch it out. The pattern for Mr Cookie comes from Lori Holt and is part of an instagram sew along calls #haveyourselfaquiltylittlechristmas. She has many great patterns, here is her blog

I was tired and a little irritable while piecing him, probably an indication that my sewing time was not for relaxing but for procrastination. And so, with every stitch my anxiety over getting my work done increased. And yet when he was all done, I could not bring myself to go to bed early. Instead, I watched videos about free motion quilting and looked up pretty quilting patterns on Pinterest.

So, this morning, Future Viv woke up, she was not impressed with Yesterday Viv's procrastination to say the least. I am at Starbucks, trying to catch up on reading, while the midterm papers I have to grade are weighing heavily on my mind.

Funnily enough, I am reading an article that argues among other things that School is an Ideological State Apparatus that indoctrinates young impressionable children into the ruling ideology in order to reproduce the material means of production.  I am beginning to vaguely understand what this means, which is progress for me. But I find it ironic that this article is in my reading list this week as I am struggling so much with the whole school system.

That's it for now. Not such a fun post, but at least you know where I'm at.


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