Sunday, November 2, 2014

Stressful jewelry roll

Today is the last day of my reading week, the last half of the semester and all the work I have to do before the it ends is looming over me. I should have done more work this week to prevent many late nights that are coming. But, instead of facing that I decided last night to procrastinate some more (because why not?!) and make a jewelry roll for myself. I bought this pattern a few years ago and never got around to trying and I thought it was the perfect quick and easy project for a night of crafting. Sadly, I was mistaken and spent a frustrating evening and afternoon today trying to figure it out.

I almost always watch a movie when I am sewing, something that I can follow by listening and glancing at occasionally. Last night I chose I Give It A Year with Rose Byrne and Ana Farris. It is not a very good movie generally and became very irritating when I kept making mistakes cutting out my pattern! Skip the movie! This afternoon I picked up where I left off sans movie but still lacked focus.

Of course once I was finished with my jewelry roll, it seemed so simple and easy! I plan to make more as Christmas gifts, but alas, this was not a stress-free weekend of sewing. 

Here is the fabric I chose:
The interior fabric is gorgeous, the scalloped stripes are just so cute, but because it is a stripe it was hard to work with and I found myself obsessed with trying to cut and sew everything perfectly straight. This is something to keep in my for your fabric choices. The exterior fabric is one of my favourites lately, and I have made many things with it, as you will see when I share other projects I have worked on. The cotton batting is a 100% cotton and left over from a quilt that I made. The zippers are mismatched only because I didn’t have 2 zippers the same colour! Thankfully they look cute together.

One of the hardest parts of this project was that I needed a zipper foot, which I don’t have. So, I substituted a zipper foot for a rolled hem foot and it worked like a charm!

Here it is all done, I’m pretty happy with it, I think I may make some changes to the pattern for future presents, but all in all I am pleased
I decided to use the interior fabric for the ties and I love the contrast when it's all tied together

Here it is all opened up and ready to use!
 Here it is filled my jewelry, ready to be taken to school with me! 

What do you think? 


  1. Very cute! I love that I can come here to get movie reviews as well! Keep up the hard (but good) work, Viv! I really enjoy reading your blog.

  2. Thanks Anita and Genevieve! I'm glad you like it!
