Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sewing as a stress reliever

I am currently in my first year of my PhD in Anthropology. It is very demanding and stressful, luckily, I have discovered that I love to sew and it is a great stress reliever. 

Here is one project I worked on lately. 

Recently, one of my best friends got married and we made some bunting together that was a main feature of her decor.  There are so many great tutorials out there to help you with this project. Essentially, we used a cardboard template of a 7 inch triangle and traced it on all of our fabric then used pinking shears to cut out each triangle. Then, a little ironing and starching and we were ready to sew. It turned out great!

Here are our triangles all cut out, starched and ready to go. This was definitely the longest part. 

 Lots and lots of pinning before we started sewing, we made over a 100 feet of bunting!

 Here is are 2 of the many rows of bunting we made that decorate what became the dessert table.

An fun, easy and beautiful way to add some colour to any event.

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